Featured on SRF News: AI in kids' rooms - toys that listen in

Our study "AI-powered smart toys: interactive friends or surveillance devices?" was featured in the SRF News Magazine "10 vor 10"

How smart toys spy on kids: what parents need to know

In our new paper, No Transparency for Smart Toys, we study privacy, transparency, and security of 12 smart toys. We find widespread behavioral profiling of children ("toy analytics"), a lack of transparency for parents due to insufficient…

Privacy engineering for transparency and accountability: Panel at CPDP

The recording of our panel on "Privacy engineering for transparency and accountability" at CPDP 2023 is now available. Moderator: Frank Pallas, TU Berlin (DE) Speakers: Elias Grünewald, TU Berlin (DE); Katharina Koerner, International…

Paper accepted in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

Our paper "Privacy Policies Across the Ages: Content of Privacy Policies 1996–2021" was just accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security.

/ Research

Paper presentation at Esorics 2022

I will present my paper "A Machine Learning Approach to Detect Differential Treatment of Anonymous Users" at Esorics 2022 in Copenhagen on Monday, September 26. Please join the Anonymity session if you are at Esorics!

/ Research

Paper published in Computers & Security: "CAESAR8: An agile enterprise architecture approach to managing information security risks"

The paper presents a new approach for dynamic and holistic reviews of information security risks in IT projects that is particularly suitable for small organizations following Agile methodologies.